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Free 72 levonorgestrel -releasing intrauterine Clonazepam 2mg 30 $135.00 $4.50 $121.50 system implant. The FDA announced that its review revealed the following: The implant was not designed to detect the early phase of menstrual cycle and thus might not offer benefits for women who are trying to have a child before their cycle becomes irregular. Levonorgestrel intrauterine devices must be inserted by a physician trained in contraceptive counseling. Levonorgestrel implants must be stored in the body to protect against tampering. Levonorgestrel implants do not protect against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases. The implant's packaging was designed to look like a small paper prescription to increase patient knowledge and compliance. This practice might increase compliance to implant-related prescriptions. Levonorgestrel implants are considered the most common long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) available today. According to the Guttmacher Institute, number of women using LARCs has continued its trend upward across both sexes in recent decades. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which also tracks U.S. contraceptive trends, estimated that 17 million U.S. women of childbearing age used LARCs in 2013. The FDA's announcement comes after agency's review into the company's product was recently reported by Reuters. The agency's review concluded that risks of the device may outweigh benefits for women who are trying to have a child before their menstrual cycle becomes irregular, thus requiring a warning label for patients using the LARC implant on an irregular monthly cycle. "Patients should be advised of the possible consequences that might result from misusing an intrauterine device," the FDA said in a statement. "If patient is not sure if she would be a suitable candidate for an intrauterine device, then another method might be a better choice." The agency went on to say that the device must be used only on an irregular menstrual cycle where "the possibility of pregnancy is unlikely," and the woman must be counseling her physician about contraceptive use. The FDA said it will be issuing the label warning regarding use of intrauterine devices on an irregular cycle. The agency said further regulatory action against Avascent, Inc. and Ortho Micron, may follow in some circumstances. An intrauterine device is a small placed into the uterus to provide intrauterine contraceptive. The device, which is inserted by a physician and has an applicator, releases tiny doses of the hormone ella. The FDA says that more than 90 percent of U.S. ella-containing intrauterine devices are being used. "The FDA's approval of Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system implants has provided much needed options to thousands of women across the nation. This approval is an important advance in women's access to birth control when their menstrual patterns become irregular, as well an investment in improving patient safety," Laura Allen, President of FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health, said in the FDA's release. The LARC implants are made by the German pharma giant Bayer. FDA announced its decision to approve the device in April, 2014. "We recognize that this action may have an impact on our patient population, in particular those women who are trying to have a child at an early stage in their life," said Dr. William Heilig, Vice President of Human Resources and Executive Vice President, U.S. Sales and Product Management, Bayer U.S.A., Inc. "But it is in the best interest of their health that we consider other options." As of September, Bayer was the number two LARC manufacturer in the United States, following OrthoMicron, Inc., and the number eight LARC manufacturer worldwide, according to the 2016 Global Contraceptive Market Report and Outlook published by IMS Health.
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