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Gloucester City Supporters Trust

Race Night

horses runningat Gloucester Cricket Club, The Spa, Park Road, Gloucester
Friday 9 November

A regular and popular fundraising event for the Supporters Trust.
Come along and help swell our coffers, and who knows, pick a winner and go home with your own pockets a little heavier too...
More details to follow




Trust Christmas Raffle

You may be getting the message that you'll get hit by a string of Trust fundraising schemes in the coming months, but with the flood to recover from and a new ground to prepare for there should be no need to apologise for that.

The Christmas raffle is a simple enough concept to grasp, tickets are £1 each and available in books of five. Sell them to your work colleagues, friends, relatives and neighbours - and buy some yourself too. The cash goes straight to the Trust, but lucky winners can also pick up prizes - including a £250 cash prize and a Christmas hamper amongst others.

The draw takes place on Saturday 22 December at City's final pre-Christmas game at the New Lawn.

To obtain tickets to sell email Gordon Pointer, or on Tel. 01452 502659. Alternatively contact a member of the Trust board on matchdays.
All tickets and counterfoils should be returned by 14 December with cheques made payable to Gloucester City Supporters Ltd.

Supporters Trust AGM 2007

The Supporters Trust AGM was held on Sunday 2 September. Due to the flooding at Meadow Park the meeting was held at the Civil Service Club in Escourt Road, Gloucester.

The Trusts accounts showed a remarkable sum of £47,901 raised during the year end to May 2007. The Trust has paid for a whole range of items at City, from the goalkeeper's gloves to the players meal before the cup tie at Eastleigh, from coach travel to regular payments for electricity bills and kit washing. Ironically and sadly large sums raised were spent on improvements to Meadow Park and the playing surface in particular.

The meeting saw the election of board members including new secretary Rob Kujawa. Outgoing secretary Gwenda Halford had decided to step down and she was presented with and thanked for her work since the reformation of the new Supporters Club and its transformation into a Trust.

All Trust members should have by now received notification documents and new membership cards with calling notices for the AGM during July 2007 via the post - contact the Trust using the contact details below if you haven't received these documents. Renewal for 2007-08 can be either through the 500 Club, or standard membership at £5 for adults or £2:50 for juniors.

The new Trust Board has already held its first meeting and claim to be ready to fight cynicism and despondency wherever they find it. After recent results that could be quite a battle, but good luck to them..!

Recent City Supporters Trust News: Trust Launches Flood Appeal


Fans of Gloucester City Football Club have decided to refocus their financial appeal on replacing club shop stock damaged in the flooding to the club’s flood ravaged Meadow Park home.

The flooding of July 2007 was the worst in the history of Gloucester and the River Severn laid waste to the club’s ground, and included inTrust cheque from Cobblers the damage was the shop owned and ran by the City Supporters Trust. The sale of merchandising is a crucial part of the Trust’s fundraising activity, and the organisation has been hard hit by the loss of stock and damage to the club shop building itself. Previous flooding problems left the contents uninsured.

Gloucester City Supporters Trust chairman Phil Warren said: “The cabin containing the shop at Meadow Park alone cost £3,500. The timing of the flood couldn’t have been worse as it was full of pre-season items including new replica shirts, we’ve probably lost in the region of £1,000 in stock alone. Whilst we wait for news about the future of the club we’re concentrating our immediate efforts on replacing the shop.”

The fresh appeal came after Gloucester City agreed a year long lease to groundshare at the New Lawn stadium of Blue Square Premier neighbours Forest Green Rovers. It is hoped that the new landlords will be able to provide a facility to enable the Trust to continue to offer Gloucester City products to fans on match days. In the meantime the Trust is anxious to re-stock.

The BGB Southern League Premier club itself is privately owned but fans have worked hard through a democratically elected Supporters Trust to assist in the day to day running of the club and to raise money to support it. Fan’s giving has exceeded £210,000 since 2001 and has funded the club’s youth team and paid bills including physio and medical supplies, electricity and pitch maintenance.

Phil Warren continued: “Our original appeal was wonderfully well supported, not just by our own fans but also by other clubs and fan organisations across the country and the divisions. There have been many individual donations, but fellow Supporter Trusts at Bath City and Northampton Town have both given generously. We’ve been very touched by this support and on behalf of all City supporters I’d like to thank all those who have sent money and good wishes. The summer floods seemed like a terrible set-back after all the fans have done to try and get the club back on its feet, but the good will we’ve received has certainly helped to reinvigorate us and keep us going over the last few weeks."

PIC (above right): Trust chairman Phil Warren accepts a cheque from Northampton Town Trust members.
Scroll down for details of how to donate....


Fans of Gloucester City Football Club have today launched an urgent appeal for donations to help restore damage caused by the recent floods that have devastated the club’s Meadow Park home.

pic- Matty Clift: Meadow Park floodsFlood water rushed into the stadium on the evening of Sunday 22 July and by the following morning the water stood more than eight feet deep. The River Severn had engulfed all corners of the ground, swamping the entire playing pitch and reaching as high as the crossbars on the goalposts. Water entered the clubhouse, changing rooms, catering and kitchen facilities, hospitality areas and the club’s merchandise shop. Although some valuables could be removed from the ground the fast rising water levels meant volunteers were unable to rescue much before police evacuated the Hempsted area where the ground is located.

Phil Warren, chairman of the Gloucester City Supporters Trust, said:
“The flooding has been extensive and it may yet be several days before we’re able to get into Meadow Park to properly evaluate the damage. The ground has been under deep floodwater for more than a week and we are expecting the worst. The repair work will range from the arduous task of mopping up and disinfecting of the stadium to the likely complete renovation of the electrics and floodlight system and replacement of catering facilities.

“We know that the city’s residents and businesses have been hard hit and we understand that the football club cannot be their priority as they struggle to get back to normal life. Many of our fans and potential sponsors have also been badly affected by what has been a catastrophe of an unprecedented scale in this area. For that reason we are appealing to the generosity of the football community across the country and ask for their help and donations to try and put the club back on it’s feet. We have received some money and messages of good will already. These are hugely encouraging, but we will need more.”

The BGB Southern League Premier club itself is privately owned but fans have worked hard through a democratically elected Supporters Trust to assist in the day to day running of the club and to raise money to support it. Fan’s giving has exceeded £210,000 since 2001 and has funded the club’s youth team and paid bills including physio and medical supplies, electricity and pitch maintenance. The Trust itself raises some of its money through sale of merchandising and has been hard hit by the loss of stock and damage to the club shop building itself. Previous incidents have meant that the club has been unable to obtain insurance and now faces a huge clear-up bill to return Meadow Park to a state where it can again host football matches.

Phil Warren continued:
“Through our Trust the fans had helped rescue this club from the point of extinction, an incredible fundraising effort and success story for Gloucester. After a summer where volunteers have worked long hours renovating and painting the ground and where we have spent fans’ donations on improving the stadium and pitch this does seem like a real kick in the teeth. However, the club has already been through a lot and our fans must be amongst the most resolute and determined anywhere. I hope with the help of other football fans and the local community we can come back from this latest setback all the stronger.”

Those able to make donations are asked to send cheques made payable to ‘Gloucester City Supporters Ltd.’ to:
Trevor King,
Gloucester City Supporters Trust Treasurer,
27 Buckholt Way,
GL3 4RH.

Alternatively donations can be made direct via online bank transfer to:
Gloucester City Supporters Ltd,
Alliance & Leicester Commercial Bank,
Sort Code 72-00-03,
Account Number 89485489,
and quoting reference ‘Cleanup Fund’;

or on the internet via Paypal with payments made to

£200K Up!

The grand total of funds raised by the Trust since the Supporters Club was reconstituted in February 2001 has now passed another impressive milestone figure of £200,000 (at end of April 2007). It's not just in the volume off the T-End you can feel the pride and passion the fans feel for the club - feel that wad of dosh!

Club funds have been boosted by two recent fundraisers.
The annual Ruby's night of Cantonese food n' fundraising clocked up a record sum in excess of £2,000 for the Trust - beating even previous years impressive sums raised at this event. Well done to all involved.
The race night is another reliable regular boost to Trust coffers and this year's event held in February raised more than £650.

As always those extra pennies and pounds keep the Trust going, and in turn that plays a significant part in keeping the City's football club going. The money invested by the Trust in the pitch is now really starting to show, while the youth team is supported by fans' cash, and some of the extra money also helps Tim Harris bring in the odd extra player here and there. The money also helps with sudden financial demands - such as replacing the under pitch pump which recently had to be urgently replaced at a cost of over £500 - cash the club itself wouldn't have readily found.

Supporters Trust AGM 2006

The next Supporters Trust AGM will be held in the club house at Meadow Park on Sunday 3rd September, starting at 2:30pm.

The AGM is open to all Trust members and all are encouraged to attend to hear about the progress made over the last year and offer views on the future.

The meeting also carries out the formal and legal duties of the Trust, including the presentation of accounts, reports by the Chairman and Secretary, and elections for Board membership.

Club Membership
Trust membership now stands at 206, with 64 in the essential 500 club donation scheme.

Community and Other Events
The Supporters Trust continues to take an active part in wider community events - again Trust members ran a promotional stall at this year's summer carnival.
The Trust is represented at a range of national and regional events ran by Supporters Direct and the Football Supporters' Federation.

The Trust has been able to provide funds for a whole range of football club activity over the last year including:
£15,000 towards first team player wages
Donations towards injured players forced off work or requiring surgical treatment
The club electric and laundry bills
More than £3,000 towards the costs and travel for the most successful youth (under-18s) team in the club's history.
£1,443 for repair of the Meadow Park floodlights
£4,000 for coach travel for first team away matches

Recent Fundraising & Income 

Over �49,000 raised in 2005/6 season
A grand total of more than �160,000 raised since February 2001 
In 2005/6 the Trust was able to pass more than £30,000 direct to the football club.
The Ruby's Night Event raised £1,846 and the Phil Neal evening £1,072
The Race Night & Quiz Evening events raised an additional £800
Goal Sponsorship raised £1,951 and programme advertising £1,960.



Trust '500 Club' - Please Dig Deep.

Call it the 500 Club, or call it the club's lifeline, there is no doubt that the regular standing order contributions of City fans are the main source of steady income for the Trust. This income means the Trust has repeatedly been able to put its hand in its pocket to help the club out when times are at their worst, while also helping the club by extra items ranging from Matt Bath's goalkeeping gloves, to medical supplies and specialist machinary to clean up the post-match litter at Meadow Park. The term '500 club' is a little misleading - there are no prizes and beyond membership of the Trust and a mention in the club programme there is no award for joining. The benefit is simply the continued existence of Gloucester City AFC.
A new form can be found here, and more details on the 500 club here.

The Trust is now second only to club owner Eamonn McGurk's Keyway company in their contribution to keeping City afloat. Your contributions matter and every penny counts. Whilst the recommended amount to give remains £10 a month, regular contributions less than this are welcome, as indeed are contributions greater than £10 a month. Quite simply, please give what you feel you can afford, what is important is regular reliable steady income to support the club. If you care that the football club survives and prospers and you've yet to help, the question is why?!

The Trust - how, what & why.

The City Supporters Trust was formed in 2004 and born from the previous Supporters Club. It exists to support the future of Gloucester City AFC, but is also a representative body for the club's fans and seeks to ensure their views are heard at the very heart of the football club. The Trust seeks to make the club stronger, but the Trust itself is only as strong as the support it gets from members joining and supporting it through the giving of time and money. The Trust also has active support from national organisations and is a member of Supporters Direct and the Football Supporters Federation.

The Trust has clearly stated aims and has a long list of successes as by working together City fans have made sure the club has survived in some very difficult financial circumstances. See below for more details or read the Supporters Trust full constitution.

For more about what a Trust is, and how the Trust was launched click here.

The Trust is ran by a Board elected democratically by the membership.
For details on the Board and their recent meetings click here.
Two members of the Trust Board also represent fans' views on the executive committee that currently oversees the day to day running of Gloucester City AFC.

The Trust is also reponsible for running the Club Shop and raising funds through the sale of merchandise.

The Trust raises enormous amounts of money to provide the club from everything from mowers for the pitch to bandages for the physio, as well as providing direct financial support to the first team and the youth team. All of this takes money, and the Trusts main financial cash flow is provided by regular monthly donations through the 500 club membership. To find out more click here, or to donate money direct to the Supporters Trust by standing order, download and complete this form and hand it in to a Trust board member or at the club shop for forwarding to your bank.

To get involved join the Supporters Trust or contact us for more details.

Membership Benefits

10% discount at the club shop
Discounts on organised away travel
Discount of up to 40p on drinks at Meadow Park social club
Social events and fundraisers
Right to elect committee and Trust directors
Representation on City's executive committee through elected committee 
Group affiliation to FSF with benefits inc. increased legal protection. 
Increased influence on City's future...   

The Supporters Trust is an organisation which relies on your input to keep it going and to make sure it represents your views. It's never been more crucial than it is right now, so get off your butt and get involved!

City '500' Club
Full membership with additional benefits - 
Now more than 50 members guarantee that the Supporter's Trust generate income over �500 per month.
But we still need you to dig deep
Further Details
Full Membership

�5 Adults
�2.50 Children
Download Application Form

Supporters' Trust Success

Regular continuing payments for pitch maintenance at Meadow Park of �30 a week to cover seed, sand and contribute towards a groundsman. �2,000 paid in November 2002 for new mower attachments to improve pitch quality.
�2,000 set aside as contribution towards repairs of the floodlight system installed in summer 2003. Club also contributed towards safety testing to enable the club to regain its safety certificate.
Sponsorship of City Youth Team equivalent to �50 a week for 2002/3, continuing in 2003/4.
Regular band of supporters provide assistance maintaining the Meadow Park pitch.
�150 monthly contribution towards Meadow Park utility bills.
Contribution recognised by Chairman's annual award in May 2003.
Pay for cleaning and washing of City match kit at �9 a game.
Coach travel for first team to several furthest away trips last season
Contribution towards industrial cleaning and repair to Meadow Park changing rooms. 
Pay for regular medical supplies for City's physio.
City Supporters donated labour and supplies to clean and repaint Meadow Park in the last two summers.
Payment for match advertising
Agreed to pay in excess of �2000 towards settling the contract dispute with former players Nathan Wigg and Nigel Niblett. The settlement led to the FA lifting a two year ban on City signing players on contract in May 2002.
Continuing the improvement of communications with the board of directors, with a Supporters Club representative now invited to attend board meetings.
Paid in excess of �3000 to the F.A. to meet a December 10th 2001 deadline for repayment of loans and fines without which City would have been expelled.
Paid in excess of �1,000 outstanding to settle with Bath City regarding the transfer of Adie Mings to City in 1996.
Paid off debt to the FA relating to gate receipts for the 2000 Cup match vs. Havant, ensuring City were allowed to enter the 2001/2 FA Cup.  
Liaison with other Supporters Clubs and visits to Supporters Direct seminars and meetings of the Football Supporters Federation.

The Supporter's Club was reformed in 1998 and reconstituted in 2001 before transferring to Trust status in 2004.
Its aims are -

To safeguard the future and best interests of Gloucester City FC
To protect the interests of Trust members and represent their views to the directors of Gloucester City FC and the wider community.
To actively encourage, promote and develop support for Gloucester City FC
To directly support Gloucester City FC through the raising of funds.
Through good conduct, provision of financial aid, dialogue and acquisition of shares in Gloucester City AFC (1980) Ltd. to increase members influence on the future of Gloucester City FC.
To be democratic, open and transparent in the running of the club so as to appeal to all Gloucester City FC supporters and encourage their active involvement in the Club.

affiliated to Supporters Direct
and the national Football Supporters' Federation


Contact the Supporters Trust

Email Business Address Postal GCFC Supporters Trust
c/o Gloucester City FC
Meadow Park
Sudmeadow Road
GCFC Supporters Trust
8 Ivory Close

Registered Society No. 29853R

While enthusiastically supportive of the aims of the Supporters Trust. The T-Ender is totally independent of the Trust and the opinions and views expressed on this site should not be seen as necessarily representing those of either the Trust or it's board.

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