City 500 ClubEveryone who supports Gloucester City FC cannot fail to be aware that despite all the good work that has been done in the last few years to stabalise the club our financial resources remain extremely tight. Club owner Eamonn McGurk has kindly taken the burden of our long-term debt, but that leaves precious little regular income for the club to spend on anything else. All fans and well wishers are being asked
to to dig deep into their pockets and contribute a regular donation directly
to the Supporters Trust. If we are to have a football club in the future
we must continue to put in whatever spare pennies we can scrape together.
The scheme has been running for two years, and generous help has enabled
the Trust to provide vital financial assistance to the main club. Without
that continued money City could not survive at Southern League Premier
level. We continue to ask for a recommended amount of £10 a month by standing order, but any amount is very welcome. Smaller monthly contributions are still very welcome, and indeed if you can now afford to give more please give what you feel you can. Every penny helps. Not content with just taking your cash, for a mere £10 a month donation you also get the following benefits.
Download a standing order form by clicking here, follow the instructions on the form and post it to the address below or hand in at the club shop on any matchday. For further details contact: